U-BOOT Wooden Plotting Tools

An accessory for U-BOOT: The Board Game

This product is now out of Ares Games' catalog. For availability information, visit PHALANX website.

Improve your game experience

Each pack includes includes all the plotting tools made in wood, (ruler, 360° protractor and pencil), customized with the Kriegsmarine logo.

U-BOOT: The Board Game is a real-time tabletop game of WW2 submarine warfare. An underwater cooperative war thriller that allows 1 to 4 players to assume the roles of the Captain, the First Officer, the Navigator, and the Chief Engineer on board of a type VIIC U-boat. The game is enhanced by a companion app, allowing for an unprecedented level of realism, as well as a challenging enemy A.I. to push your skills to the limit.

This is a game accessory.
A copy of U-BOOT: The Board Game is required to use this product.
The English edition of PHALANX games is exclusively distributed in the
United States and non-European countries by Ares Games.
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