This file includes the War of the Ring Second Edition Player Aid (Game Turn, Resolving a Battle, Activating Free Peoples Nations, Advancing a Political Position); the Action Dice Reference Chart; and a two-page Glossary of the essential game terms. Updated 04/11/2017.
The Fellowship of the Ring is the key to your success as the Free Peoples player. Managed correctly, it will assure you a good chance of winning – but managed poorly, it will be your undoing for sure. As soon as the Fellowship reaches the Crack of Doom you win. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately the road is not as easy at it first might seem. …
The Shadow has three powerful Minions who each bring an additional Action Die and some very handy special abilities, and eight Nazgûl to provide Leadership for the Shadow Armies and to Hunt the Fellowship. Let us have a look at how you can get the most out of them. Saruman Saruman Saruman, Corrupted Wizard, can be brought into play once the Isengard nation is at War. …
The Breaking of the Fellowship is an alternate setup for War of the Ring, playable either with the Second Edition or with the First Edition (expanded by Battles of the Third Age). The Fellowship already traveled from Rivendell to Rauros, and it’s now scattered, while the armies of the Shadow are in motion, ready to unleash their might against the strongholds of the Free Peoples…
Our accessories for War of the Ring Second Edition, the Card Box and Sleeves and the Upgrade Kit, just landed in our US warehouse, and they immediately sold out at the publisher level. This means that we shipped out all we have in our warehouse, but the product is still available in stores who pre-ordered them; distributors and wholesalers who pre-ordered them may have some quantity …
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