Slyville: a game of bluffing and deceit. The Downloads section was updated with the PDF rulebooks of the tactical adventure miniature game Hard City and the family bluffing and deceit game Slyville. For more information about the games, visit the Hexy Studios section. To download Hard City’s rulebook, click here. For Slyville, click here.
Download the complete rules of Slyville, the game of bluffing and deceit where players become leaders of guilds operating in a trade and cultural center in the Middle Ages. Slyville (English Rulebook) (2752 downloads )
Slyville: a family game of blyffing and deceit, Ares Games’ website is updated with a new section dedicated to Hexy Studio. As announced in December 2019, Ares will distribute the English edition of Hexy Studio’s games in the United States and non-European countries. The first games to launch, in May 2020, will be Hard City, a tactical adventure miniature game in a “classic 1980s movie” setting, …
Ares Games and Polish Hexy Studio announce a partnership to distribute the English edition of Hexy Studio’s games in the United States and non-European countries. The first games to launch will be the tactical adventure game Hard City and game of pretense and deceit Slyville, due to release in retail in Spring 2020 (after the fulfillment of Hard City’s Kickstarter rewards). Hard City: a “1 vs …
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