Warriors of Middle-earth, the new expansion for War of the Ring Second Edition board game, is now shipping to distributors and will start to hit the US stores on September, 29th, arriving in other regions in the following weeks. Warriors of Middle-earth: second expansion for War of the Ring. Warriors of Middle-earth brings to War of the Ring board game Ents, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Great …
The reprint of War of the Ring Second Edition and its first expansion, Lords of Middle-earth are now shipping to distributors and soon arriving in stores. Treebeard figure As a special way to celebrate the return on the shelves, until September 30th, 2015 (or until stock lasts), the promotional figure “Treebeard” will be added free of charge to all Lords of Middle-earth’s orders we receive from …
Ares is proud to announce the upcoming release of the second expansion for the War of the Ring board game: Warriors of Middle-earth. This new expansion will include Ents, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains, Corsairs of Umbar, Wild Hilmen from Dunland, and Giant Spiders. With the new expansion, these warriors and creatures of Middle-earth – previously featured only as special Event …
Ares Games will present three new releases at the Essen Spiel 2013 (October 24-27, in Germany): The new edition of Inkognito, the classic deduction game designed by Leo Colovini and Alex Randolph; the tactical Age of Sail game Sails of Glory; and the cooperative Sci-Fi game Galaxy Defenders. It will be possible to play all three new games In the Ares Games booth (Hall 3, C123). …
The customers who ordered copies from the second print run of Lords of Middle-earth Limited Edition (English version) will receive their game starting this week. The game has arrived at our warehouse and is shipping now. These are the last 300 English copies of the Limited Edition of the War of the Ring expansion – the first 500 copies shipped in March.
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