100 years ago, a Master of Game Design was born: Alex Randolph (1922-2004), author of the 1982 “Spiel des Jahres”-winner “Sagaland”, “Twixt”, and many other games, and probably the person who did the most in the game industry to turn game inventors from obscure figures never mentioned in a game to the authorial status they justly have today. The game designer Alex Randolph. To celebrate his …
The Rich and the Good: new edition of the classic Hab & Gut. Carlo Rossi’s cult classic Hab & Gut is coming back in a new edition: The Rich and the Good, with high level components, an eye-catching new graphic design, Michael Menzel’s great art, and a new 2-players game mode included. The economic game is simple to play and deep to master, with an unusual …
Learn a lot of fun facts about the gods and creatures featured in Divinity Derby. The digital booklet “Divinity and Creature Compendium”, written by Gareth Hanrahan, is now available as a free PDF.
The Solo Rules for the 4x board game of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy are now available for download in two versions – original and printer friendly.
Divinity Derby, our new racing and betting game, is now shipping to distributors and will start to hit the stores in US this week, from December 14th. The game will be available in other countries in the coming weeks. The racing and betting game Divinity Derby. Divinity Derby is a card-driven and fast-playing game for 3 to 6 players, age 10 and up, designed by Carlo …
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