The recently released series of WW1 Wings of Glory Airplane Packs includes the highly successful Allied two–seaters Breguet 14, a plane capable of both recon and light bombing. Designed by Louis Breguet, it was the first Allied plane using more metal than wood in its construction, mostly duraluminum and welded steel tubing. The result was a plane that was light, sturdy, and very fast, with many …
Four new aircraft are releasing in WW1 Wings of Glory line: Pfalz D.III, Raf SE.5, Rumpler C.IV, and Breguet BR.14, each of them featured in three different versions, are now shipping to distributors and will start to hit the US stores on September, 6th. The new WW1 Airplane Packs will be available in other countries in the following weeks. Breguet BR.14, flown by Escadrille Br 111. …
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