Rocketmen - Miniature Expansion Set

An accessory for Rocketmen

This product is now out of Ares Games' catalog. For availability information, visit PHALANX website.

Enhance Rocketmen's beautiful graphics with cool miniatures!

Rocketmen is the new boardgame designed by Martin Wallace, a game which lets the players immerse themselves in a fast-paced race to the final frontier: Space. To explore Space you need spaceships, bases, space stations, and everything else that allow you to complete your missions.

Rocketmen – Miniature Expansion Set is what you need to upgrade their presence in the game. In this accessory set players will find 48 Plastic Mission miniatures (12 per player, 98 degree PVC) in 4 colors, 36 plastic miniature bases (9 per player, crystal clear acrylic) to replace players' tokens, to mark missions that were successfully launched and the mission points.

And remember, while the Universe might wait for you eternally, your opponents won’t!

This is a game accessory.
A copy of Rocketmen is required to use this product.
The English edition of PHALANX games is exclusively distributed in the United States and non-European countries by Ares Games.


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