Rocketmen - Player’s Mat Set

An accessory for Rocketmen

This product is now out of Ares Games' catalog. For availability information, visit PHALANX website.

Enhance the gameplay with individual mats to manage all the game aspects.

Rocketmen is the new boardgame designed by Martin Wallace, a game which lets the players immerse themselves in a fast-paced race to the final frontier: Space. Every player has to organize all the game features, managing his explorations and all the played game components as his tokens, cards, and miniatures.

To help all the players to have the game under control, Phalanx will provide the Rocketmen – Giant Playing Mat, an accessory set that contains 1 giant neoprene playing mat (laser cut, 67 x 67 cm size) with enlarged playing areas for an easier gameplay.

With this essential game component, the game will always be well organized and in every moment every player can play their moves and actions having perfect knowledge of the current game state.

And remember, while the Universe might wait for you eternally, your opponents won’t!

This is a game accessory.
A copy of Rocketmen is required to use this product.
The English edition of PHALANX games is exclusively distributed in the United States and non-European countries by Ares Games.

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