Step into the mysterious world of Green Oaks, a haunted, rumor-filled retirement home...
Green Oaks is a role-playing game where each player takes on the role of an Elder living in Green Oaks, a charming, greenery surrounded structure. Rumors swirl that great treasures are hidden in its basement, though some believe the entire building is actually an alien base conducting experiments on its elderly residents. Local youths whisper that the structure is built over an ancient Native American cemetery, while others say it’s the very mouth of Hell.
In Green Oaks, every player embodies an Elder, defined by three simple Descriptors. Characters like an "ex-Marine turned retired priest with a hobby of hunting witches," an "ex-serial killer," or a "retired spy who enjoys tailoring" are perfect examples of the types of Elders you can play.
One player takes on the role of the Narrator (similar to the ‘Master’ role in other games), guiding the story and facilitating the experience for everyone. For playing with this game you should need a Poker cards deck, not provided with the game.
Playing your Elder is straightforward, thanks to the innovative ArterioscleroSys system. Green Oaks is designed to be a fast-paced game, perfect for loud, fun game nights. The W.O.R.T.H.E.R.S. system makes it easy to improvise everything, from plot twists to characters—even if it's your first time running a session!
If you're a fan of Bubba Ho-Tep, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Murder, She Wrote, you'll feel right at home in Green Oaks.
The English edition of Green Oaks is produced by MS Edizioni and distributed worldwide by Ares Games.
Info Box
- 32-page RPG book, A4 size, softcover (to play with a deck of Poker cards, not included).
Length: -
Age: -
Authors: Roberto De Luca
Size: 21 × 29,7 x 0,3 cm
Weight: 0,1 kg
EAN Code: 9791255770442
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