Forsaken Scriptures

A unique collection of word-maps for Mörk Borg and other fantasy RPGs

Minimalist, visually striking word-maps for fantasy RPGs.

Forsaken Scriptures is a unique collection of word-maps that redefines how dungeons are presented in fantasy roleplaying games.

Created by Nyhur and compatible with Mörk Borg and other fantasy RPGs, these minimalist maps condense the architecture and descriptions of dungeons into a single image, offering a visually striking and efficient alternative to traditional dungeon maps.

Ideal for no-prep adventures, Forsaken Scriptures provides an easy and engaging way to explore complex, haunting environments with minimal setup.

The collection features eerie and weird locations brought to life through the evocative illustrations of Mattia Pinetti. The horrors within these word-maps are crafted by some of the most talented third-party creators from the Mörk Borg community, ensuring that each dungeon is filled with unexpected and terrifying encounters.

The English edition of Forsaken Scriptures is produced by MS Edizioni and distributed worldwide by Ares Games.


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