Nanty Narking: Victorian Metal Coins

An accessory for Nanty Narking

This product is now out of Ares Games' catalog. For information, visit PHALANX Games website.

Improve your game experience!

A beautifully crafted set of 50 coins: 20 crowns (ø - 2,5 cm / 1’’) and 30 shillings (ø -
2cm / 0,8’’), based on the real Victorian era bullion coins. An exquisite and precious accessory and an exceptionally convincing add-on to make the game even more precious!

Nanty Narking is a Victorian board game of wit and podsnappery by British game designer Martin Wallace, based on his acclaimed previous design “Discworld: Ankh-Morpork.” All game locations, events, and characters are now tied to real and fictional characters and places in Victorian London.

This is a game accessory.
A copy of Nanty Narking is required to use this product.
The English edition of PHALANX games is exclusively distributed in the United States and non-European countries by Ares Games.
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