Refight the naval war that established Japan as an imperial power.
The heart of naval supremacy lies in the intricacies of ship management. Each vessel in the game possesses three key attributes, while a group of ships belonging to one side within a Sea Area is collectively referred to as a Fleet.
The gameplay unfolds in a structured turn sequence featuring various phases. From Fleet sortie, Operational Phase, and Scoring Phase to the Return to Port Phase and the advancement of the turn marker, each step is critical to success.
Victory conditions add depth to the challenge. A major victory is claimed if, by the end of the sixth turn, the Japanese fail to establish an army in Mukden. Alternatively, the player whose side of the Points of Control (POC) track the marker resides on emerges as the victor, with POCs, representing victory points, that shift dynamically as players gain or lose control of sea zones.
Info Box
- 1 A3 Game board
- 6 Meeple soldiers
- 6 Dice
- 50 Ship counters
- 4 Markers
- 1 Game turn track
- 1 Rulebook