The Special Buildings

An accessory for Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East

Enhance your Mega Empires experience.

The Special Buildings set is an expansion to both Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East.

Using this expansion, you may choose to construct a special building and receive benefits in play and additional Victory Points at the end of the game. Be careful, though! Your wondrous building might be lost to calamities or to envious neighbors who want to use it for their own benefit and glory.

The expansion pack contains a set of 18 unique building miniatures. The pack also includes two plastic trays designed to fit the miniatures, a Special Buildings board, and a rulesheet.

The Mega Empires: The Special Buildings offers an enriched gameplay experience and is a must-have for fans of the Mega Empires series.

This is not a complete game.
A copy of Mega Empires: The West or Mega Empires: The East is required to play.


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