Lead and develop your civilization in the epic game series Mega Empires. Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East are two stand-alone games, compatible with each other, capturing the development of ancient civilizations, from the Atlantic Ocean to India, through 8000 years of history. Lead your civilization, expand your dominions, cultivate culture and technology, engage in conflicts and trade, apply diplomacy, and face calamities.

The primary objective of the game is to accumulate the most victory points by trading commodities and strategically developing advances, symbolizing each civilization’s wealth and glory. A full game guarantees hours of enjoyment to players who love epic board games with a strong historical context. The extensive diversity in advancements that you can develop make sure that no two games are the same, even when playing the same civilization.

For additional information and more contents related to the game, visit the website mega-empires.com.

  • Mega Empires: The West

    Lead and develop a civilization over 8000 years of history, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Middle East.
  • Mega Empires: The East

    Lead and develop a civilization over 8000 years of history, from the Middle East to India.
  • The Special Buildings

    A set of 18 unique building miniatures that add depth to gameplay, packaged with new rules.
  • Upgrade & 3-4 Players Pack

    A set to update the first edition of the Mega Empires system with new components and to support gameplay for 3-4 players.
  • Identifier Cards - Bonus Pack

    A complete set of 18 large, high-quality identifier cards, designed to manage Civilization advances.
  • Mega Empires: Deluxe Game Mat - The West

    A giant neoprene mat that offers an enlarged playing area and high-quality design for easier and more immersive gameplay.
  • Mega Empires: Deluxe Game Mat - The East

    A giant neoprene mat that offers an enlarged playing area and high-quality design for easier and more immersive gameplay.
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