Quartermaster General: South Front

A fast-paced, 2-player game that brings the Mediterranean theater of WW2 to life

From the Mediterranean campaigns to the Allied advance in Italy.

Quartermaster General: South Front is the second title in the Quartermaster General "Front"
series, a fast-paced, two-player strategy game that brings the Mediterranean theater of World War II to life. With quick setup and simple rules, it’s easy to dive into the action. Each player commands a unique deck of cards, representing the equipment, manpower, and strategies of their side.

Set between Summer 1940 and Spring 1944, the game depicts the intense struggle for control over Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean. The Axis player controls Germany, Italy, and their allies, while the Allied player leads the United Kingdom, the United States, and Free France. Players vie for geographical objectives across 16 seasonal rounds, earning Victory Points during four key scoring phases. The game can end early if one player achieves a 10-point lead; otherwise, the winner is determined in the final round.

Relive historical events like the Axis campaigns in North Africa and the Balkans, the Allied landings in Sicily, and the hard-fought advance in Italy. Strategic naval dominance and careful resource management are key to victory in this immersive and dynamic addition to the Quartermaster General Front series, Quartermaster General: South Front.

Will you alter history or relive its pivotal moments?


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