Last Aurora

A competitive post-apocalyptic racing and resource management game

Race against time to survive the radioactive ice desert!

Last Aurora is a competitive post-apocalyptic board game for 1-4 players set after a war that has transformed the world in a frozen, desolate wasteland.

Every player becomes a leader of a survivors' crew trying to reach the last icebreaker ship Aurora, facing several challenges in their journey. Each player has to manage his crew to gather resources, recruit survivors, improve his vehicle, and fight his enemies as he races to reach the ship before it's too late!

In a great mix of game styles, players will be forced to make difficult ethical choices, overcome obstacles, fight unique and fearsome enemies, and manage their resources during their movement across this frozen land.


Last Aurora is structured to be played in 6 rounds, divided into 5 phases. Every player has a board to manage his convoy and resources. The Truck Zone is a zone where the player will combine his truck, devices, and trails. The Active Zone is where the survivors will be available to take actions. The Exhausted and Rest Zone is for the survivors to recover from their efforts.

The Exploration Phase will let you enter the locations around you to perform different actions. According to the value of the survivor sent, you will be able to:

  • Gather resources from locations;
  • Find useful components to upgrade your convoy, speed up your truck, improve the storage and locate weapons and device;
  • Recruit a survivor and have access to his unique abilities and exploration support for the rest of the game;
  • Perform an encounter.

During the Rest Phase you will choose between sending the exhausted survivors to sleep for 1 round or immediately recover them by spending food.

In the Movement Phase you spend fuel to move according to your current truck configuration; adding bonuses, actions, and special objects to accelerate. You will have to choose the best road to avoid contaminated locations.

You will face many powerful enemies during the game who will attack and damage your convoy. In the Fire Weapons Phase you will fight these dangerous enemies using your ammunition to activate your specialized weapons, which will improve your fame and yield Loot Cards!

In the last phase of the round, the Aurora will move along the coast. If you can reach it you will gain reputation according to the number of survivors you save. If not, dangerous travel awaits you toward the south and your convoy strength will be more valuable.


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