Dungeon Time

An exciting cooperative real-time game

Find the equipment, achieve the missions, beat the clock!

Funded with Kickstarter

Are you brave enough to accept the dungeon challenge? In Dungeon Time™, you will enter a fantasy realm with only 5 minutes to complete your missions. Find the equipment, achieve the missions... But remember, Time is your worst enemy!

As the sand falls in the sandtimer, you must race through the dungeon deck to achieve as many missions as you can, before the last grain of sand falls. Simultaneously, you and your friends draw, play, draw, frantically looking for all the items you need to complete your missions.

Get the items in play as fast as you can, then achieve a mission by playing it on the story deck at the right time, when your equipment is complete. You must try to beat the clock, going through the missions as fast as you can, but you must also avoid to be over–burdened by your equipment — miss the right items and your mission fails; bring too much unnecessary equipment in your backpack and you lose the game.

When the time is over, go through the deck, to find out if you fail or if you win... and level up to higher challenges if you do!

Dungeon Time™ is a real time, cooperative card game of exciting dungeon adventures and catastrophic failures for 1 to 5 players, designed by Carlo Rossi.


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