Faster Than Light

Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Expansion Pack

New rules and components to expand the variety of scenarios you can play!

This new additional rules set, Battlestar Galactica – Faster than Light Expansion Pack, enlarges the Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles game, introducing many optional rules allowing the players to broaden their game experiences and possibilities.

In this pack you will find additional rules for planetoids and clouds, introducing new kinds of planetoids as the orbiting planetoid; all the rules for a spaceship to take–off and land; the use of missiles, expanding the firepower of the spaceships you can play with, both old and new ones, increasing the game options guiding your missiles in a search of enemy targets; and finally Advanced FTL movement rules that allow the players to really jump along the game surface, avoiding opponent attacks and execute deadly surprise attacks on enemy spaceships.

This set includes all game components neeeded to play with these new rules: new markers, counters, rulers, and a useful navigation panel to assemble to jump through the stars with the new advanced FTL rule.

Jump into your seat and start your engine — there’s a war to win!

Faster Than Light Expansion is available in PDF format, as free download, and can be printed for personal use only.

This is not a complete game.
You must own a Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles Starter Set to play.

Battlestar Galactica is a copyright of Universal Cable Productions LL.C. Licensed by Universal Studios 2018. All rights reserved.


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