Cylon Heavy Raider

Spaceship Pack

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The Heavy Raider is a Cylon multifunctional spacecraft, used to attack colonial ships and transport Cylon fighters on boarding missions. Like a Cylon Raider, this spacecraft is sentient and self–flying. It can also be piloted by Centurions or human–form Cylons, but its lack of windows forces the pilot to rely on electronics only to navigate.

Cylon Heavy Raider (Combat/Transport)

The Heavy Raider has a thick armor, can resist intense enemy fire, and it is equipped with more powerful weaponry than a standard Raider. It’s also a troop transport, perfect to carry Centurions onto planet surfaces or aboard human Battlestars.

Cylon Heavy Raider (Veteran)

The Heavy Raider is well–armed, carrying tri–barreled automatic cannons, which are able to sustain high rates of fire, and can equip ship–to–ship missiles. It is lethal in dogfights and can be converted into anti–aircraft batteries for attacks on planetary surface.

Cylon Heavy Raider (Captured)

The Heavy Raiders can be controlled by human pilots. Caprica’s Sharon (Boomer’s clone) stole a Heavy Raider to rescue Starbuck from a Cylon base and escape to Kobol. This pack includes cards to represent her when she became a Colonial pilot, with the callsign “Athena,” and the ship cards to play the model as either a Colonial or Cylon ship.

This is not a complete game.
You must own a Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles Starter Set to play.
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