Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles - The "33" Campaign
The Battlestar Galactica and the rest of the Colonial fleet are relentlessly pursued by Cylons. Thirty-three minutes after each Faster-than-light jump, the Cylons arrive again, trying to exterminate what’s left of Mankind. Will you be able to bring the Colonial fleet to safety?
Inspired by “33” - the first episode of the first season of the Reimagined series - Ares Games is launching an extraordinary series of massive events for Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles, to be held at all major shows the company attends during 2019, starting at UK Games Expo, then Origins, and more!
The outcome of each event will influence the flow of the campaign. Based on the number of participants and damage inflicted to enemy starships during the battle, the running total of the human and material losses will grow, and the balance of the war can flip in favor of the Cylons or the Colonials. When, at the end of the year, the Colonial Fleet will be ready to jump to safety, will there be enough of Humankind left to avoid extinction?

After so many defeats, the Colonial fleet managed to turn the tide, inflicting heavy losses to the attacking Cylons, while protecting the Galactica effectively. The heroic sacrifice of many Viper pilots saved the day, and while the civilian fleet suffered significant casualties, the outcome of this battle seems to give a chance to the Galactica to jump to safety in the final episode of the campaign, December 7th at Pax Unplugged.
A really hard day for the Colonials. Cylons hit the Galactica and damaged the civilian vessels really hard, as they relentlessly chased for the Civilians while dodging the attack of the Vipers Mk.II trying to protect the fleet. Structural damage on the Galactica is now rated at about 50%, and there is a serious danger that it could not last through the next two jumps.
"You evaded 2 Cylons, rescued 2 pilots, and brought Downer's body home. Don't beat yourself up, it was an impossible rescue you nearly pulled off." "Was it worth it? 3 for 3? We can't afford that." "3 for 1. Two pilots rescued, their ships were junk, and that's not 3 but 5 Cylons that won't be attacking Galactica. 3 killed, 2 decoyed. I'd call it a win."
After the first jump, it was just a matter of minutes before the Cylon attackers launched a new assault against the Colonial fleet. 36 players fought this new battle, 18 on each side. This time, the combined effort of the Viper squadrons and the Galactica managed to reduce the loss of Civilian lives, but with a very high price in terms of Vipers lost and significant structural damage to the Galactica. Losses inflicted to the Cylon attackers apparently just put a dent in the endless stream of incoming Raiders, before the Fleet managed to jump to safety again.
At UK Games Expo 2019, 35 people played, 17 on the Cylon side and 18 on the Colonial Side. The Cylons inflicted heavy damage to the Galactica, destroying an entire section of the battleship, and almost fatal damage to both the Colonial One and the Olympic Carrier. In turn, the Vipers, and barrage fire from the Galactica itself, inflicted serious losses to the attackers, but not enough to balance out what the survivors of the Twelve Colonies suffered. The first battle goes to the Cylons. The Colonial fleet now jumps to Origins - what will happen there?

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