Ares Games is glad to announce that four games will be published in new foreign languages in the second half of 2017, thanks to our international publishing partners: Dungeon Time, Sword & Sorcery, War of the Ring Second Edition and Warriors of Middle-earth (the second expansion for WotR 2nd Edition). Dungeon Time will be released in Spanish, by Last Level Distribuciones, in Russian, by Evrikus, and …
The Italian gaming club Associazione Ludica Apuana (A.L.A.) will run a new WW2 Wings of Glory event in Massa (Northern Tuscany, Italy), on June 25th, 2017, to play a Battle of Britain’s campaign. In the event, a historical scenario for 16 players will be played, using advanced rules, combined with some house rules. The “Battle of Britain Campaign” will be held this Sunday at the Sporting …
As recently announced, Ares has signed a partnership with the Polish company Galakta to distribute the English edition of its games worldwide, excluding Europe. The distribution will start in August 2017, and a dedicated section to Galakta Games is now online on our website, with information and images of the games we will bring to our customers in North America and other parts of the world. …
The new series of WW1 Wings of Glory Airplane Packs featuring four new WW1 aircraft – Nieuport 17, Albatros D.III, UFAG C.I, and RAF RE.8 – starts to hit the shelves in US stores today, June 8th, and will be available in other countries in the following weeks. Albatros D.III, used by Manfred von Richthofen. Each of these planes is featured in three different versions: the …
Ares Games and Russian company Igrology announce a partnership to publish the English edition of “Master of the Galaxy”, a 4X board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) set in a distant future, where nine different species (including Humanity) are developing Galaxy-spanning civilizations. Master of the Galaxy will be launched on Kickstarter in July 2017, and it’s planned to release in 1Q 2018. Master of the Galaxy: …
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