Ares Games is re-launching the Age of Conan Strategy Board Game, and a new section dedicated to this game is now online. Visit it to know more about Age of Conan Strategy Board Game and the upcoming expansion Adventures in Hyboria.
After achieving the initial funding in only 75 minutes, the Age of Conan Strategy Board Game – It’s Back! campaign on Kickstarter ends its first day with impressive strides: over 400% funded, $ 43,000 pledged and 900 backers. All three initial stretch goals were achieved in less than 24 hours, and Ares Games set two new stretch goals, at $ 50,000 and $ 60,000. The first …
The Age of Conan Strategy Board Game – It’s Back! campaign on Kickstarter started today at 03:00 PM CEST (01:00 PM UTC/GMT) and in 75 minutes the funding goal of $ 10,000 was achieved. The project is in the Hot List of Tabletop Games category on Kicktraq. The next stretch goal is $ 20,000, and its achievement will unlock a set of Sorcery Cards for each …
The re-launch of Age of Conan Strategy Board Game starts today at 03:00 PM CEST (01:00 PM UTC/GMT) on Kickstarter with a campaign to fund the pre-production and publication of the game expansion Adventures in Hyboria. The campaign has a initial funding goal of $10,000 and ends on November 9th. The previous articles presented the Kickstarter campaign, the Age of Conan Strategy Board Game and the …
The countdown for the re-launch of Age of Conan Strategy Board Game begins! On October 9th, the Kickstarter campaign to publish the Adventures in Hyboria expansion (and set the foundation for future development of the line) will start. Adventures in Hyboria, the upcoming expansion. Pledge Levels In the “Age of Conan Strategy Board Game – It’s Back!” project on Kickstarter, backers can choose to support the …
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