Dino Race, a simple and fun Family Game. The nominees for the 2014 Golden Geek Awards have been announced and two games by Ares Games are in the list: Dino Race, for “Best Children’s Game”, and The Battle of Five Armies, nominated for “Best 2-Player Game”, “Best Thematic Game”, and “Best Wargame”. Voting is open and will close on February 22nd (11:59 PM CST). The BoardGameGeek …
Four new Sails of Glory Ship Packs – featuring the two first Spanish vessels in the game, and two new English ships – are now shipping to distributors and will hit the shelves in North American stores on February 9th. They are expected to be available in Europe and other regions in the following weeks. The four Ship Packs present new ships in the classes featured …
See and download the rules of Dino Race, a funny, simple and fast game where little dinosaurs run away from a raging volcano and a river of lava, toward safety.
The Galaxy Defenders section has been updated with information about the upcoming campaign expansions for the game, Operation Strikeback and Extinction Protocol. These two expansions were funded with the Kickstarter campaign “The Galaxy Defenders – The Earth Strikes Back!”, in June 2014. Expected to be delivered to KS backers in April 2015, following they will be available in distribution.
Success for the Restoration of Pazzi Chapel Loggia at Church of Santa Croce international crowdfunding campaign. Ended on December 20th with 102,426 dollars and 859 backers, the first ever Kickstarter campaign for a restoration by a major cultural institution in Florence reached 107% of its funding goal. Opera di Santa Croce extends its gratitude to everyone who has supported the campaign. Launched on November 17 and …