You can read here the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions about this announcement. Or you can go immediately to the pre-order page. Sixty years ago – with the publication of “The Return of the King” – the trilogy that established Middle-earth in the minds and hearts of millions of readers was completed. “The Lord of the Rings” – J.R.R. Tolkien’s finest literary achievement – was …
Operation Strikeback: battle on the Moon. The eagerly awaited new Galaxy Defenders expansions, Operation Strikeback! and Extinction Protocol are now shipping to the backers of the Galaxy Defenders – The Earth Strikes Back! campaign on Kickstarter, and are expected to hit the stores by late July. These new Galaxy Defenders expansions were funded by a crowdfunding campaign last year reaching $259,166 pledged – 647% funded – …
The Kickstarter project to fund ePawn Arena, a revolutionary board that interfaces with smartphones, tablets, or PCs, allowing gamers to use real-world game pieces with their online and mobile devices, is now live. Wings of Glory was licensed for the new game console and will be one of the first games to be supported by an app for ePawn Arena. Players will be able to use …
What about playing Wings of Glory with your miniatures on a real tabletop, while all your maneuver and combat capabilities are available through an easy-to-use app on your smart device? The license agreement between Ares Games and the French startup ePawn, will allow players to do just that. The ePawn Arena connected gaming board. Wings of Glory will be one of the first games to be …
Origins Game Fair 2015 was an amazing show for Ares! In the four days of the convention, our booth was busy all day, every day. People of all ages stopped by to try our games from all the different product lines, and to take a first look to the upcoming new games Jolly Roger, Odyssey – Wrath of Poseidon (coming in late Summer), and the Galaxy …
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