Two new international editions of War of the Ring Second Edition will be available in late June, together with the upcoming reprint of the English version – bringing to 8 the number of different languages the game is published in – and with the reprint of the War of the Ring Second Edition Upgrade Kit (English). The Chinese edition of War of the Ring. The Portuguese …
The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter ended yesterday with the wind filling the sails: it reached US$ 276,745 pledged – equal to 922% of the funding goal – and 1183 backers. The final $275K stretch goal was reached just a few minutes short of the bell sounding on the end of the project. Ares Games is now working on the survey and in the coming …
The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter ends tomorrow, April 16th. More than 1,050 backers already pledged for a total amount equal to more than 800% of the funding goal. Seventeen stretch goals have been unlocked, adding extra value to the rewards of the different pledge levels. At this point of the campaign, the Captain level – the most popular pledge of the Sails of Glory …
The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter enters in its homestretch with good news for international backers and other people resident outside the US who want to support the project. Ares Games announced today three new pledge levels to offer a solution to mitigate the high costs of international shipping, with the publisher absorbing a higher portion of the freight cost. At the new levels Worldwide …
The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter continues with fair wind. Started last Tuesday, March 5th, the funding goal of $ 30,000 was achieved in less than 9 hours and after one week the pledges raised over $ 125,000, with five stretch goals achieved. Following the initial funding of US$ 30,000 the achievement of four “stretch goals” will allow to fund the design and production of …
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