Ares Games and Igrology unveil the dates of the Kickstarter campaign to fund “Master of the Galaxy”, a 4X board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) of galactic conquest. The project will launch on July 18th, 2017, ending on August 11th. The game is due to release in 1st quarter of 2018. Watch the teaser video now! In “Master of the Galaxy”, nine Elder Races are expanding …
Ares Games is glad to announce that four games will be published in new foreign languages in the second half of 2017, thanks to our international publishing partners: Dungeon Time, Sword & Sorcery, War of the Ring Second Edition and Warriors of Middle-earth (the second expansion for WotR 2nd Edition). Dungeon Time will be released in Spanish, by Last Level Distribuciones, in Russian, by Evrikus, and …
Ares Games and Russian company Igrology announce a partnership to publish the English edition of “Master of the Galaxy”, a 4X board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) set in a distant future, where nine different species (including Humanity) are developing Galaxy-spanning civilizations. Master of the Galaxy will be launched on Kickstarter in July 2017, and it’s planned to release in 1Q 2018. Master of the Galaxy: …
Ares Games and Polish company Galakta announce a new partnership to distribute Galakta games worldwide (excluding Europe). Ares Games will bring to its customers around the world several beautiful games recently released by Galakta in English – including Age of Thieves, Ragers Champions of the Arena, Zombie Terror, Andromeda, and King & Assassins, together with the upcoming This War of Mine: The Board Game, tabletop adaptation …
The crowdfunding campaign for the racing and betting game Divinity Derby ended on March, 24th, with $52,684 pledged – 439% funded, and 974 backers. Before the end of the campaign, all goals were unlocked, improving the rewards with deluxe components, additional cards, and more. Divinity Derby is expected to release in September 2017. The game was offered on Kickstarter in two options: the Deluxe Edition, Kickstarter …
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