Fire and Swords: new expansion for War of the Ring – The Card Game. Ares Games will be at Gen Con 2024 (Booth #541, August 1-4, Indianapolis) with new releases, previews of upcoming games, and a special event: the War of the Ring – The Card Game Gen Con 2024 Grand Prix. The first copies of Fire and Swords, the new expansion for War of the …
LudoStoria, an Italian hub for historical simulation gaming enthusiasts, is set to host its inaugural convention on January 21st, on Discord: Virtual LudoStoriCon 2024. The comprehensive one-day program includes meetings with scholars and authors, virtual booths of major industry publishers, prototype demos, and new releases, as well as workshops, tutorials, free play, and more. The event is free and open to everyone who loves playing with …
Wings of Rome: two days of aerial battles for the European Master. The Wings of Glory European Master, a tournament organized by the Italian Wargame Federation (FIW), had its second stage held in Rome, in the weekend of June 10-11, with the participation of 12 players, nine Italians and three foreigners – from Serbia, UK, and Switzerland. The first round of the tournament was during the …
The Italian gaming group Mad Elite Wargamers, in collaboration with WASP La Spezia, will hold a WW2 Wings of Glory event in Carrara (Northern Tuscany, Italy) on January 15th to play a Pacific 1943’s campaign, with the presence of Andrea Angiolino, co-author of the game. The campaign includes four scenarios, using advanced rules combined with some house rules and over 50 airplanes – miniatures to play …
The Thing – The Board Game, the board game inspired by the 1982 cult movie. Ares Games will be at Origins Game Fair 2022 (June 8-12, Columbus, OH, booth #712), presenting its latest arrivals The Thing – The Board Game, Star Scrappers: Orbital, Successors, 1941: Race to Moscow, and Quartermaster General: 1914, alongside other recent releases and best-selling lines War of the Ring, Wings of Glory …