In War of the Ring there are five major areas in which battles are fought. These are Gondor to the south, Eriador to the northwest, the DEW-line to the northeast, and The Misty Mountains and Rohan in the center. Both the Shadow and the Free Peoples have different options available to them in these areas and in this article we will take a closer look at …
This new edition of the game introduces a few subtle but important changes. For this reason, we recommend a careful reading of the rules, even to experienced players. The main changes are summarized here to the benefit of players already familiar with the previous edition. Note that changes which are purely formal, but do not affect the game play, are not listed here. In addition to …
A new international partnership has been announced for War of the Ring Second Edition: the game will be published in Polish by Galakta, the leading game publisher of fantasy and sci-fi board and card games in Poland. The Polish edition will be released in spring 2012 together with the German, Italian and Spanish editions. “We are glad to take part in such a great project as …
After landing at our U.S. warehouse just before Thanksgiving Day (a sure sign of good luck!), WAR OF THE RING 2nd Edition is now shipping to North American Distributors, and is expected to hit stores in early December. The initial shipment is sold out already, at least from the publisher’s point of view (the entire print run is shipping out to distributors based upon pre-order). Fortunately, …
Among the rules of War of the Ring, there was a little one which was apparently almost negligible when we first put it on the paper, but over time became the central point of one of the “Ace up the sleeve”-like strategies of the Shadow player – how the Fellowship enters Mordor. In first edition, players found a way to exploit the rule which requires the …
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