Ancient Chronicles: a new cycle for Sword & Sorcery coming soon on Kickstarter. Ares Games and Gremlin Project unveil the dates of the Kickstarter campaign to fund a completely new cycle of the Sword & Sorcery game: “Ancient Chronicles” will launch on November 5th, ending on November 21st. “Ancient Chronicles” will be a new starting point to the acclaimed cooperative dungeon-crawler, suitable both for newcomers and …
The new version of the Companion App for Sword & Sorcery is now available on iTunes and Google Play. It includes all the components and cards from the “wave 2” of Sword & Sorcery, so it can now track the progress of any characters until the very end of the campaign. The S&S Companion App assists players during the entire Sword & Sorcery saga, handling their …
Sword & Sorcery: Samyria Hero Pack Two new Hero Packs for Sword & Sorcery game will start to hit the US stores from August 24th: Samyria and Kroghan. In other countries, the new items must be available in the following weeks. The Hero Packs allow to add new, powerful characters to a Sword & Sorcery campaign. Samyria, daughter of the Earth, bear–friend and skin–changer, can be …
New heroes and new monsters are coming to the world of Sword & Sorcery. A new Kickstarter campaign for the acclaimed cooperative dungeon-crawler will be launched in Q4/2018 to fund “Ancient Chronicles”, a completely new cycle which will allow players to enter the world of Sword & Sorcery again, many, many years before the events narrated in the Immortal Souls campaign. Ancient Chronicles: new monsters and …
The updated errata for all Sword & Sorcery producst is available on the Sword & Sorcery website, and reproduced below. We incorporate corrections we know of when we reprint, so some of these errors may be already fixed in your copy. You can also download the latest (1.6) version of the S&S Immortal Souls booklets in the Items/Manuals section. Immortal Souls Rulebook 2. Before The Adventure, …
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