This file includes the complete rulebook of Sword & Sorcery – Immortal Souls, the starter set of the upcoming epic-fantasy cooperative board game.
Ares Games prepares to launch in March a new Kickstarter project to fund the release of Divinity Derby, a fast-playing racing and betting game, with a clever “shared hand” card mechanic. A party on Mount Olympus quickly turn into a crazy race of mythic flying creatures, and the gods bid on (and influence) the outcome of the race, with the Olympic “All-father”, Zeus, as the ultimate …
Dungeon Time: a cooperative real-time card game. The shipment of the Kickstarter edition of Dungeon Time is now complete and all backers will receive their copies within the first week of February. At this point, the retail edition of the cooperative real-time card game is shipping to distributors and will start to hit the shelves on February, 7th. To celebrate the launch of the new game, …
The last article about our most recent WW2 Airplane Packs series presents the Yokosuka D4Y Suisei, probably the least familiar to many people. If the subject of “Japanese Dive Bomber” is mentioned, many people quickly think “Val” – the Aichi D-3, famous for its fixed landing gear (sort of the Japanese Stuka) and its impact in the early years of the war. Ask someone about the …
Get the free 5-minutes downloadable soundtrack to be used while playing Dungeon Time, to run on your preferred mobile device instead of using the sandtimer. Play Soundtrack Download Soundtrack Dungeon Time: 5 Minute Soundtrack (3950 downloads )
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