As the Western Roman Empire faces its twilight, emerging kingdoms embark on an unrelenting quest for supremacy over Western Europe, while the Hun horde sweeps across the continent. Enter the world of Barbarian Kingdoms, an asymmetrical and competitive strategy game designed by Christophe Lebrun and published by Jester Games, a new French board game publisher. Barbarian Kingdoms was successfully funded on Gamefound in October 2022, and …
LudoStoria, an Italian hub for historical simulation gaming enthusiasts, is set to host its inaugural convention on January 21st, on Discord: Virtual LudoStoriCon 2024. The comprehensive one-day program includes meetings with scholars and authors, virtual booths of major industry publishers, prototype demos, and new releases, as well as workshops, tutorials, free play, and more. The event is free and open to everyone who loves playing with …
Pyramidice is now available in retail in North America, with over 60 stores set to host demo events to celebrate the game’s release in more than 40 states in the U.S., as well as two in Canada and one in Mexico. The majority of these events, totaling 49, will take place during the last weekend of January (27-28) through the Envoy Program by Double Exposure. This …
Quartermaster General: East Front, the first QMG 2-player game. Ares Games closes the year with four new releases arriving in US stores: Quartermaster General: East Front, Pyramidice, Kings of Middle-earth, and Sword & Sorcery – Myths of the Arena start to hit the shelves on December 20th. In other countries, these new games and expansions will become available in early January 2024. Quartermaster General: East Front …
How about to play Cangaceiros and The Rich and the Good online with distant friends? These two games are now available on Tabletopia , a multi-platform digital online environment for playing board games just like in real life. Just read the rulebook, choose a seat at the virtual table, and let the game begin. The Rich and The Good on Tabletopia. Tabletopia features ready-to-play game setups, …
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