This download includes the PDF version of the clues sheet for the Inkognito board game, created by Alex Randolph and Leo Colovini. Permission is granted to reproduce this file for personal use only, to supplement the notepad included with the game.
The updated edition of Inkognito will arrive in stores in October and, in addition to the English edition, will be available in other nine languages through the cooperation of our six international partners – Devir (Spanish and Catalan), Iello (French), Kaissa (Greek), Panplay (Chinese), Piatnik (German, Hungarian, and Czech) and Red Glove (Italian). First published by MB in 1988, milions of copies of Inkognito were sold …
Inkognito, designed by Alex Randolph and Leo Colovini, was first published by MB in 1988, and soon established itself as a classic deduction game, with millions of copies sold across the World. The game is set during a Venetian carnival, in a romantic age of spies, microfilms, hot-air balloons and fast speed-boats. As a secret agent, you will have to collect clues, use your deduction skills …
Ares Games announces that Aztlán and Lords of Middle-earth, the two games just released at Essen Spiel’12, are now shipping to North America distributors and will be available in US and Canadian stores starting from November 5th. In Europe, the games will start to hit the shelves in the first half of November. Aztlán is the first Euro-style game branded Ares Games. In the mythical land …
The Ares Games Aztlán Contest on BoardGameGeek ended on Tuesday, October 23th, with the participation of 3,359 BGG members! Here is the list of the 10 winners (BGG username and country) who will receive a copy of the game. TMVM (United Kingdom) alfredo lorente (United States) Pompoli (Finland) monkeyrobot (Spain) chrsjxn (United States) B Factor (Canada) magicalgamer (United States) cristianf (Romania) Louminous (Greece) zkBoy (Latvia) Ares …
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