The Master of the Galaxy Kickstarter campaign ended on August, 11th, with $50,502 pledged – 250%% funded, and 1207 backers. All funding goals, social goals, and backer goals were unlocked, improving the Deluxe Edition of the game with several components to make it truly special. Backers must receive the game in February 2018, and the retail edition will be released following. Master of the Galaxy: a …
The Master of the Galaxy crowdfunding campaign enters in its final stretch on Kickstarter. With three days to go, the project achieved over $35,000 pledged and almost 850 backers. Several stretch goals were unlocked since the project launched, adding new contents and items to the game, and more can be still unlocked until August 11th. Master of the Galaxy: a view of the exclusive contents of …
The Master of the Galaxy Kickstater campaign enters in its 10th day unlocking the third stretch goal, with over $27,500 pledged: a new exclusive Species card will be featured in the Kickstarter edition of the game – the Wanderers. This week, a BGG Contest is running, offering the chance of win a copy of Master of the Galaxy, and today, July 27th, a demo live will …
Final Countdown, new Galaxy Defenders expansion. Ares Games will be at Gen Con 50 (Booth #237, August 17-20, Indianapolis) and this year, in addition to its own new releases (including Galaxy Defenders – Final Countdown, a new expansion for the cooperative tactical board game, and a new series of Sails of Glory Ship Packs), it will also present five games published by Galakta, exclusively distributed by …
Master of the Galaxy: a 4Х board game – eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate. The crowdfunding campaign to fund the 4X board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy reached its initial funding goal of $20,000 in two days and now it’s time to hyper-jump to the stretch goals: at $22,500, a unique hero card will be included in the game, and …
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