Learn a lot of fun facts about the gods and creatures featured in Divinity Derby. The digital booklet “Divinity and Creature Compendium”, written by Gareth Hanrahan, is now available as a free PDF.
The retail edition of Master of the Galaxy, the 4X board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) of galactic conquest successfully funded on Kickstarter last year, will start to hit the US stores from August, 24th. The shipment of the rewards to the Kickstarter backers were completed and so the game is now in distribution in the US market. In other regions, the retail edition will be …
The complete English rules for the 4x board game of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy are now available for download, as well the rules for playing solo. To see and download the English rulebook, click here. For the Solo Rules, click here.
The complete rules for the 4x board game of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy are now available for download.
The Solo Rules for the 4x board game of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy are now available for download in two versions – original and printer friendly.
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