Following the story featuring Laszlo, it’s time to the second story of the Masters of the Night anthology, written by Gareth Hanrahan, based on the boardgame designed by Nikolay Aslamov. It presents six stories, one for each vampire of the Family. The protagonist of today’s story is Imre. Johannes put the phone down on its cradle. His hand shook. “It is confirmed. Our brethren have found …
This article is the first of the Masters of the Night anthology, which includes six short stories written by Gareth Hanrahan, based on the boardgame designed by Nikolay Aslamov. Each story features one of the Vampires, starting by Laszlo. The pretty receptionist gave him a quick smile as she handed over the room key. “Breakfast is served from seven, and check-out’s at noon. Will you be …
Ares Games and Igrology announce the dates of the crowdfunding campaign to fund Orconomics 2nd Edition, a board game for two to five players that brings the chaotic economic world of modern Orcs to the gaming table. The project will launch on Kickstarter on February 23rd, 2021, ending on March, 12th. In the warm-up to the Kickstarter launch, Ares and Igrology are running a Giveaway Contest …
The Family is coming! Masters of the Night’s release is getting closer, and following the overview of the game, it’s time to learn more about the characters and their stories. In this article, we present the six vampires included in the game – Agnieszka, Ishtvan, Imre, Laszlo, Mila, and Nevena. In the following weeks, we will post short stories written by Gareth Hanrahan for the Masters …
Woken from a dreamless sleep by the rattling of the train, you realize you have arrived at a new place, a place destined to be either a haven or a final grave for your family. History exiled you from castles and crypts long ago. In this new century you are wanderers, endlessly searching for a new home, new servants, and fresh, fervid blood… In Masters of …
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