Feared throughout the Brazilian northeast, they fight for honor and freedom: the “cangaceiros” were bandits who stand against the abuses of large landowners called Coronéis and the government, in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Now, they come to the tabletop in a strategic competitive game. Designed by Roberto Pestrin and created by Ergo Ludo Editions, Cangaceiros has its English edition published and distributed by Ares …
100 years ago, a Master of Game Design was born: Alex Randolph (1922-2004), author of the 1982 “Spiel des Jahres”-winner “Sagaland”, “Twixt”, and many other games, and probably the person who did the most in the game industry to turn game inventors from obscure figures never mentioned in a game to the authorial status they justly have today. The game designer Alex Randolph. To celebrate his …
The “cut-throat” economic boardgame Orconomics will start to hit the stores in US on December 2nd, and will arrive in other countries in the following weeks. Successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2021, the game is now releasing to retail as backers’ fulfillment is completed. Orconomics brings the chaotic economic world of modern Orcs to the gaming table. Backstabbing, ripping off opponents, taking away their industries – …
Get ready to face the cut-throat world of business-Orcs, a maelstrom of competition, and wheel and deal to be the best: Orconomics, “the” boardgame to recreate the chaotic economic world of modern Orcs on the gaming table, will be soon in stores. Backstabbing, ripping off opponents, taking away their industries – all is legit, if you get to the top of the Orc jet-set. Build up …
This PDF file includes the complete rules of Orconomics, “the” boardgame to recreate the chaotic economic world of modern Orcs on the gaming table.
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