This PDF file includes the rulebook of Cangaceiros, an Euro-style thematic game set in Brazil, in the Sertão desert, at the end of the 1800s – players run a band of Cangaceiros, bandits who who violently opposed the status quo.
This PDF file includes the complete rules of Fighters of the Pacific, a fast-paced and easy to learn tactical board game of naval air battles set during WWII in the Pacific theatre. Fighters of the Pacific (English Rulebook) (4071 downloads )
Download the English rulebook of We are coming, Nineveh!, a two-player intense tactical game reproducing the liberation of west Mosul by Iraqi security forces in 2017, published by Nuts! Publishing. We are coming, Nineveh! (English rulebook) (3233 downloads )
Download the English rulebook of Saigon 75, a fast-paced strategy game pitting the “Communist” forces from North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against the “Liberal” forces from South Vietnam. Saigon 75 (English Rulebook) (2568 downloads )
This PDF file includes the complete rules of Orconomics, “the” boardgame to recreate the chaotic economic world of modern Orcs on the gaming table.
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