Browse and download the rules of Last Friday Revised Edition, the updated and revised version of the hidden movement, hunt, and deduction horror game set in a cursed summer camp.
Download the English rulebook of Mini Rogue, a minimalist dungeon crawler designed by Paolo Di Stefano and Gabriel Gendron, published by Nuts! Publishing. In Mini Rogue, one or two players delve into a deep dungeon to get a mysterious ruby called the Og’s Blood. Every floor is randomly laid out, each game plays out differently, and of course, death is final. The players must choose how …
Brancalonia, the all-Italian setting for the 5th Edition 5th Edition of the most famous role-playing game of all time, will release to retail soon. To have a glimpse of Brancalonia, a Quickstart is available for download. It introduces the setting, the moods, and the new rules, and also features the demo adventure “The Treasure of the Bigat”.
Download the rulebook of Waste Knights: Second Edition, the post-apocalyptic game of adventure and survival set in dystopian Australia, published by Galakta and distributed by Ares Games in North America.
Download this Blank Sheet (PDF) to create custom characters for Brancalonia, the Spaghetti Fantasy Role-playing game.
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