Download the English rulebook of This War Without an Enemy, a 2-player strategic block wargame set during the first English Civil War, designed by Scott Moore and published by Nuts! Publishing. In the game, one player represents the Royalists, and the other player controls the Parliamentarians and their Scottish Covenanter allies. This War Without an Enemy (English Rulebook) (2778 downloads ) More resources for the game …
Download the complete rules of Star Scrappers: Orbital, an engine building, worker placement card game for 1-5 players by Jacob Fryxelius, the designer of Terraforming Mars.
Download the complete rules of Star Scrappers: Cave-In, a highly interactive “discard builder”, in which the cards you already used are just as important as the ones you still have in hand.
Download the complete rules of the new edition of the one of the best multiplayer strategy games Successors, published by PHALANX and distributed by Ares Games in North America.
Download the complete rules of 1941: Race to Moscow, a historical simulation game of logistical resourcefulness and relentless competitiveness, published by PHALANX and distributed by Ares Games in North America.
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