This download includes the PDF file of the Black Smoke Cloud Templates, to play Wings of Glory — Tripods& Triplanes with this special weapon of the Martians. Permission is granted to reproduce this file for personal use only. Tripods & Triplanes – Black Smoke Templates (6973 downloads )
The PDF file of the WW2 Wings of Glory Point System, which allows players to create balanced dogfight scenarios, to replace equivalent planes in other scenarios, and to organize tournaments, is now updated and more comprehensive. To see and download the version 1.2, click here.
Are you playing Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles, but you didn’t have a chance to get the Kara Thrace “Starbuck” promo card at a convention or from one of the retailers running our demo events? Or you have her promo card, and you would like to have all Starbuck’s talent to go with it in one place? You can now download from our website a PDF …
Download “The Weavers” expansion, a print-and-play set of cards to play solo our 4x board game of galactic conquest Master of the Galaxy. “The Weavers” is a mini-expansion that allows you to play solitaire, using a specific deck of cards and rules, to face the dreadful invasion of an alien menace which is engulfing and destroying the entire Galaxy. You can find the rules to play …
“Tales of the Sixth Millennium”, the digital booklet showcasing the setting of Master of the Galaxy from both a visual and a narrative point of view, is now available as a free PDF.
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