Download the complete rules of Star Scrappers: Orbital, an engine building, worker placement card game for 1-5 players by Jacob Fryxelius, the designer of Terraforming Mars.
Download the complete rules of Star Scrappers: Cave-In, a highly interactive “discard builder”, in which the cards you already used are just as important as the ones you still have in hand.
Slyville: a game of bluffing and deceit. The Downloads section was updated with the PDF rulebooks of the tactical adventure miniature game Hard City and the family bluffing and deceit game Slyville. For more information about the games, visit the Hexy Studios section. To download Hard City’s rulebook, click here. For Slyville, click here.
Download the complete rules of Slyville, the game of bluffing and deceit where players become leaders of guilds operating in a trade and cultural center in the Middle Ages. Slyville (English Rulebook) (2843 downloads )
Download the complete rules of the tactical adventure game Hard City, the “one vs All” tactical adventure miniature game set in a “classic 1980s movie”. Hard City (English Rulebook) (3474 downloads )
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