Roberto Di Meglio, director of production of Ares Games, speaks about Aztlán, the new game by Leo Colovini that will be released at the Essen “Spiel 2012”. This second article is focused on how the game works. Aztlán may be considered a very peculiar “hybrid” between a wargame and an Euro game. It shares the design philosophy of the previous games by Leo Colovini: simple mechanics, …
Roberto Di Meglio, director of production of Ares Games, speaks about Aztlán, the new game by Leo Colovini that will be released at the Essen “Spiel 2012”. I’ve known Leo Colovini for many years, but in spite of a long cooperation in many ways, the only time that I had the honor to publish something from him was when Nexus Editrice, a company I founded almost …
Since the very first draft of what was to become Lords of Middle-earth, we started to work around the idea of including alternate versions of the Companions. The idea of alternate versions of existing characters was already featured in Battles of the Third Age and we had already decided to revisit it in Lords – it is a good way to include personalities which are new …
Gollum is one of the most fascinating characters in The Lord of the Rings. Many critics consider Tolkien’s mythology to be a world of black and white, where the good is always unshakable and evil is absolute evil. Gollum, however, definitely proves that this is not really the case. This tormented figure, torn between his residual humanity (as shown by his feelings toward Frodo, the only …
The core of the expansion, for the Free Peoples player, was well defined: Elrond; Galadriel and Gandalf, Bearer of Narya; their new Keeper’s dice; and the extra abilities that the Elven Rings had when these characters entered play. The Balrog of Moria, Evil of the Ancient World For the Shadow Player, we had an almost symmetrical extension. The alternate version of the Witch-king, who gave to …
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