In the dark streets of Victorian London, Arsène Lupin, Henry M. Stanley, Van Helsing and Dr. Jekyll meet with Mr. Hyde, Dracula, the Werewolf, the Marsh Phantom… in Monsters vs. Heroes: Victorian Nightmares, characters from mystery and horror stories duel with cards, in a fun and crazy game designed by the Spanish game author Enrique Dueñas. Monsters vs. Heroes – Victorian Nightmares, a thrilling card game. …
In the cold depths of space, the strife for galaxy domination begins. Your species must fully exploit its capacities, choosing the best combination of politics, science, trading, and conflict to reach – before the other opponents – total supremacy. There are many possible paths to victory, and only through a careful management of your resources, without losing sight of your neighboring species, you will be able …
One of the aircrafts recently released in WW1 Wings of Glory, the RAF R.E.8, was conceived to replace the B.E.2 reconnaissance aircraft and light bomber. Being the Royal Aircraft Factory, with a prime focus on streamlining manufacture, the planes used many of the same parts. We must remember that, for airplanes designed to do observation work, being very steady and easy to fly were assets, while …
The history of WW1 airplane development is filled with failures and disappointments. There are rare cases where an airplane performed better than hoped for, and the UFAG C.I – featured in the new series of WW1 Wings of Glory Airplane Packs, is one of those stories. Ungarische Flugzeugwerke AG (UFAG) had been building Lohner and Brandenburg aircraft under license, and may have been looking for ways …
Hunt for the Ring, the hidden movement, deduction and adventure game coming this Summer in the War of the Ring line, will be showcased this week at “Origins Game Fair” (June 14-18, Columbus, Ohio). Hunt for the Ring recreates the initial chapters of “The Lord of the Rings”. One player must bring Frodo Baggins — the Ringbearer — and his hobbit friends from their home in …
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