The epic struggle between two superpowers of Antiquity will be soon recreated on the tabletop, with the release of the board game Hannibal & Hamilcar: Rome vs Cartage. About 20 years after its first edition, one of the best two-player games ever published is back in a new and updated edition – easier and faster to play – and including a companion game – Hamilcar. Hannibal: …
Masters of Disguise, the expansion for the fantasy board game of strategy and adventure, Age of Thieves, is due to release in February. If you haven’t the chance to try the base game yet, now it’s a great time to learn more about its setting, components and gameplay. Designed by Slawomir Stepien and published by Galakta, Age of Thieves presents a setting of a low-fantasy Renaissance …
Master thieves are competing in a challenge to enter the vault inside the palace and steal the Emperor’s Jewel, the symbol of power of the ruling house in Hadria. In Age of Thieves, each player becomes a master thief about to commit the most daring burglary of his career. The game presents six thieves – Morius, King of Undervicty; Noiron, Vengeful Noble; Jasmine, Cunning Courtesan; Nikilai, …
Wanted: Rich or Dead: a fast-paced game set in the Wild West. Wanted: Rich or Dead, a fast-paced and addictive game published by Galakta and distributed by Ares Games in North America, is due to release in early 2018. In October, the author of the game, Dariusz Kułak, posted its Design Diary on BoardGameGeek, and we are now sharing it here: “Hello! My name is Dariusz …
The ex-merchant ship Bonhomme Richard, coming in the new series of Ship Packs. The fourth wave of Sails of Glory Ship Packs is now arriving in stores, with the 34-guns Mahonesa Class Frigates and the 64-guns Third Rate Ships-of-the-Line released in October, and the 80-guns Bucentaure / Tonnant Class Ships-of-the-Line and the East Indiamen Ex-Merchant Ships in distribution starting from November 17th. The new ships swell …
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