Where to start? To begin with, we decided to go back and take an in-depth look at what we had done when developing Battles of the Third Age – or, to be more precise, Twilight of the Third Age, the strategic expansion included in that set [Battles of the Third Age also included a separate game system – ed.] We started a poll on BGG to …
It was a dark and stormy night… Well, not really! The genesis of Lords of Middle-earth begins in a nice Autumn day during the latest Lucca Comics & Games show, in November 2011. The design team – Francesco, Marco and Roberto – met in a nice little cafe which was unusually quiet, being so close to the bustling show. Ares had just shipped out of China …
How the funny and original Micro Monsters’ creatures were created? The game’s illustrator, Francesco Mattioli unveils his creative process, step by step, from the first drawings to the final layout of the four races. He wrote his notes, naturally using many sketches to show the different stages of his work on the game. “When Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi got in touch with me to illustrate …
Among the rules of War of the Ring, there was a little one which was apparently almost negligible when we first put it on the paper, but over time became the central point of one of the “Ace up the sleeve”-like strategies of the Shadow player – how the Fellowship enters Mordor. In first edition, players found a way to exploit the rule which requires the …
The Event Card system in War of the Ring is, without any doubt, an essential element in making the game what it is. Events add the narrative depth that a game based upon a book requires- Events also introduce a level of unpredictability which give to War of the Ring a high longevity, in spite of being a single-scenario game. Depending on the Event cards draw, …
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