“The Battle of Five Armies” is the upcoming new game from Ares Games, the first entirely stand-alone new game in the “War of the Ring” line, and created by the same design team – Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello. This is the first article in a series of Designer’s Notes, where the authors tell us about the development of the game. We designed …
Next week, at the Essen Spiel ’12, Lords of Middle-earth will finally be in your hands, after one year in the making. So it’s finally time to complete this long series, which kept us busy in the wait, and provided you with some insight about what happened during the design, development, and testing (often intertwined!) of this expansion. Even with such a long series, it proved …
Strider is definitely one of the most important characters in War of the Ring. In the Fellowship, he opens the way to one of the “extreme” strategies that the Free Peoples player may use, the “Strider Sprint”, which uses his power as a Guide (hiding the Fellowship with any die) to get the Ringbearer to move towards Mordor using almost all the Action Dice available. At …
Since the very first draft of what was to become Lords of Middle-earth, we started to work around the idea of including alternate versions of the Companions. The idea of alternate versions of existing characters was already featured in Battles of the Third Age and we had already decided to revisit it in Lords – it is a good way to include personalities which are new …
Gollum is one of the most fascinating characters in The Lord of the Rings. Many critics consider Tolkien’s mythology to be a world of black and white, where the good is always unshakable and evil is absolute evil. Gollum, however, definitely proves that this is not really the case. This tormented figure, torn between his residual humanity (as shown by his feelings toward Frodo, the only …
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