In this last article, we’ll tell you about the development of the final two elements making Battle of the Five Armies unique from its predecessors included in Battles of the Third Age and we’ll set you up with the full PDF Rules. The Goblins An important strategic element in the battle’s story is the two-pronged attacks of the goblin horde. Bolg did not simply count on …
There are moments in Tolkien’s novels, which remain engraved in the reader’s memory forever. One such moment in “The Hobbit” is, without doubt, the epic scene where Bilbo spots the Eagles… “The Eagles! The Eagles!” he shouted. “The Eagles are coming!” Bilbo’s eyes were seldom wrong. The eagles were coming down the wind, line after line, in such a host as must have gathered from all …
As we wrote in the previous article “A Long Journey Begins,” one of the design goals of The Battle of Five Armies was to give a more important and definite role to the characters in the battle. In our previous designs in this series, War of the Ring and Battles of the Third Age, characters are very streamlined. These designs are more strategic in scope. Differences …
As we started to discuss in our previous article, Fate is an important concept in Tolkien’s works. Without drifting too far away from the purpose of these notes, we should remember the history of Middle-earth is deliberately reminiscent of classical epics, where the action of fate and gods influence, and ultimately determine, the action of men. At the same time, the approach used by Tolkien in …
As we told in our previous articles in this series, we had the opportunity to create a game inspired by “The Hobbit,” to be published as a new entry in Ares’ “War of the Ring” line. And we decided to design the game to be a tactical-level simulation of The Battle of Five Armies, using a modified version of the game engine we first used in …
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