The dramatic history of the siege of the Greek holy city Messolonghi by Ottoman forces during the Greek War of Independence is revived in a game: Freedom!, published by PHALANX Games and created by Vangelis Bagiartakis, a Greek game designer and developer who lives in Athens and has worked on more than 30 titles, including “Among the Stars”, “Dice City”, “Fields of Green”, “Kitchen Rush”, and …
Cthulhu Mythos: new set of Monster vs Heroes. Monsters vs Heroes is a fun and crazy game where characters from mystery and horror stories duel with cards. Players secretly join one of the factions – Monsters or Heroes – by taking a random faction card at the start of the game, and even if players belong to the same faction, there are no teams – game …
Master thieves are competing in a challenge to enter the vault inside the palace and steal the Emperor’s Jewel, the symbol of power of the ruling house in Hadria. In Age of Thieves, each player becomes a master thief about to commit the most daring burglary of his career. The game presents six thieves – Morius, King of Undervicty; Noiron, Vengeful Noble; Jasmine, Cunning Courtesan; Nikilai, …
Wanted: Rich or Dead: a fast-paced game set in the Wild West. Wanted: Rich or Dead, a fast-paced and addictive game published by Galakta and distributed by Ares Games in North America, is due to release in early 2018. In October, the author of the game, Dariusz Kułak, posted its Design Diary on BoardGameGeek, and we are now sharing it here: “Hello! My name is Dariusz …
In the present day, new movies, comics, books, video and board games are constantly struggling for our free time. New products come out every day and many of them are so extraordinary that you just can’t miss them. In order to catch all that stuff, sometimes we want to play something fast with just a few components, but at the same time we want to get …
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