Set in Brazil in the late 1800s and early 1900s, Cangaceiros brings to the tabletop an historical period never told before, in a deep and extremely re-playable game. In this article, originally published by Meeple Monthly Magazine, issue 108 (March 2023), the author Roberto Pestrin shares his notes about the creation and development of the game. Pestrin is an Italian game designer, attending IdeaG, a circuit …
The game designer Ian Brody. War of the Ring – The Card Game started to hit the stores in US just before Christmas, and will be soon available in other countries. If you are starting to play the game, or waiting for your copy, an interesting reading is the Designer Diary by Ian Brody, originally posted on BoardGameGeek in September 2022, and reposted here. Forward I …
The awaited The Thing – The Boardgame, a “hidden role” game inspired by the 1982 cult movie, will start to arrive in the US stores from May 11th, alongside the expansion Norwegian Outpost and three sets of miniatures. In this Designer’s Notes article, the designer Andrea Crespi tells about the game creation together with Giuseppe Cicero. This article was originally published by Game Trade Magazine, issue …
The history of a Polish Squadron that bravely fought against the Luftwaffe to stop the German raids on the UK in the Battle of Britain is about to live again on the tabletop, with the cooperative board game 303 Squadron. Published by Hobbity, its English edition is distributed in North America by Ares Games and will arrive in stores in February 2022. In this article, the …
Diabolik – Heists and Investigations is a hidden movement game inspired by one of the longest running Italian comic series, Diabolik, also adapted to the “silver screen” twice (in the 60s by Mario Bava and most recently by the Manetti Brothers) and as an animated series. The game is designed by Luca Maragno, and developed by Pendragon Game Studio, the English edition is published and distributed …
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