To master War of the Ring you must know the Event cards available to you as well as to your opponent. Using the right Event at the right time can make a real difference in the game. Many of the Events are very useful at the right moment but all can be put to good use since they not only function as Events but also as Combat …
In War of the Ring, most players see the Shadow as the offensive side while the Free Peoples take on the role as the defensive one, trying to stall the Shadow’s military campaign long enough for the Ring-bearers to destroy the One Ring. This however, is not always the case. There are some instances when the Free Peoples player becomes the aggressor and the Shadow player …
Once Frodo and his Companions have reached Minas Morgul or Morannon the final part of the Fellowship’s trek across Middle-earth begins. As the Fellowship enters Mordor the Hunt for the Ring becomes increasingly more dangerous as the will of the Ring is pitted against the will of the Ring-bearer. Every time the Fellowship moves a Hunt tile is drawn, and both the Shadow’s and the Free …
As the dark lord Sauron, your primary task is to capture the Cities and Strongholds of the Free Peoples for a total worth of ten Victory points. These can be found in different locations in Middle-earth and it is important that you plan which Victory points locations you are going after during the first turns of the game so you can build your strategy around it. …
At the beginning of the game the Shadow is positioned to immediately strike at Rohan and with little effort from the enemy’s side both Gondor and the DEW-line (Dale, Erebor, and the Woodland Realm) can come under attack quite early in the game. These areas must be defended to buy Frodo enough time to succeed in his quest to destroy the One Ring. As the Free …